by Pitch Publications | Random Tips
When you are a new teacher (or starting at a new school), it’s good to make some strategic friends. These relationships may happen naturally or may take some work. Either way, they are essential to make sure your year runs smoothly. Check out these...
by Pitch Publications | Random Tips, Sub Plans, Technology
I cant believe the timing on this – I am up late tonight but will be out tomorrow with my sick daughter! (She’s ok, just one of those mystery fevers!) I got my sub plans together in about 5 minutes today. It was awesome! I am the first to admit that sometimes, I...
by Pitch Publications | Random Tips, Technology
From time to time I will offer you my random technology tip. I love technology and sometimes have the need for the oddest task. Maybe you do too! This may or may not actually have to do with music. 🙂 I am an Apple fan all the way. At hope I...
by Pitch Publications | Class Procedures, Elementary Music, Random Tips, Storytelling
Why are Nursery Rhymes and Folks Songs so Important? For younger students, nursery rhymes help with language development; they hear the sounds of vowels and consonants and later on, learn how these sounds combine into words. I see this in my own young children...
by Pitch Publications | Random Tips
Hello Friends! I don’t know about you, but the holidays went by much too quickly! We are just getting back into the swing of things around here! I wanted to take a few moments and just chat with you about why you should be following TpT sellers AND leaving...
by Pitch Publications | Random Tips, Technology
I am back for more Tech Talk Tuesday! Did you miss any in the series? Click here! I am inviting all my educator friends to link up to discuss something you love pertaining to technology in the classroom! Maybe it is a teacher tip, maybe a student...