Welcome to the Blog!

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Hi and welcome to the blog!  My name is Shelley Tomich and I have been teaching music for 12 years.  I want this blog to become a place I can share some ideas and let you know about what is working and not working in my classroom.

One of my professional pride and joys is a system for teaching solfege called Pitch Hill.  I created the Pitch Hill stories to solve the problem I had when I began teaching. As a bassoon player who trained to be a middle school band director, I found myself challenged in teaching little children how to sing!  (Don’t worry, since that beginning 12 years ago I got significant training on how to successfully do my job!).

I will tell you more about myself and add a lot here about Pitch Hill and the other things I do in my classroom. I just released Pitch Hill on Teachers Pay Teachers – your students will enjoy the stories as much as mine do!  Thanks for visiting and welcome to the blog!



picture of Shelley Tomich

I'm busy mom of three and music educator in Atlanta, GA. My passion is helping busy music teachers deliver time saving, engaging lessons so you have more time to enjoy your life! Click my photo to learn more! Teach music. Love life.

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The cover includes a cartoon drawing of three students creating a maypole. The text on the cover says "Marvelous Maypole: Historical Facts, how to make a DIY maypole, dance instructions, lesson plans, and more!


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