Most teachers would agree taking a sick or person day is harder than actually being at work. Writing sub plans and preparing sub tubs and sub binders are so hard, especially in music and other specials! Having a music sub tub or ready music sub plans is a MUST in your classroom!
I created this document to help you get started with your Music Sub Tub and/or Music Sub Binder. This is a FREE and COMPLETELY EDITABLE PowerPoint with some great templates to get you started. Every teaching situation is different and I wanted you to have options to customize it to your individual situation. The format matches the other Sub Tub Stuffers (a growing format in my store!). This is not a print and go set for you, but a convenient guide to get you started.
Included in this File (PowerPoint File) (Remember – they are ALL editable!)
- Title page.
- Substitute info at a glance – this is where I put a quick look at my duties, who to contact in an emergency, and what to do when it is time to go. I used to write out long paragraphs but found that subs never read that stuff.
- A detailed schedule template for you to fill out for each day (i.e. Friday, 5th grade 7:50-8:30).
- Directions on where to find class lists. I keep a binder for each class, but you could easily tuck in your class lists right behind this section.
- Template for you to write up your own plans for the desired activities in your classroom.
- Sample plans using my set of Center games. (Note: These games are NOT included and are a separate purchase). The plans also mention my FREE download: Music Class Idol.
- A sample contingency plan – this is when your sub just can’t handle anything more than a video or simple game.
- How to use the DVD player. You will want to edit it for your particular machine. I find that subs can’t always be counted on to know how to work the technology in our room.
- How to use the USB player. You can read more about this device on my blog here.
here. - A feedback form for your sub to talk about their day.
Sunny A. –
Thanks for this useful resource!
Pitch Publications –
Thank you!