Most teachers would agree taking a sick or person day is harder than actually being at work. Writing music sub plans and preparing music sub tubs and music sub binders are so hard, especially in music and other specials!
This is a great holiday activity for grades 3 and up! The younger kids could do it as a class activity! Students are presented a series of emoji patterns and have to guess what song it is! There are 60 songs to decipher!
This file includes the following:
- PowerPoint Presentation – This is editable and you can change the order of the songs (though you will need to update the key). A version for showing the answer immediately and later are both present.
- Blank Answer Sheets – Give to students to answer as you go through the powerpoint.
- Key – editable and non-editable. Print and go or customize for your needs!
- Students questions sheets in color and black/white (Editable and non-editable).
- Sample sub lesson plan, completely editable. Please install included fonts for formatting to remain the same.
Note: The editable versions will need some formatting and/or installation of linked fonts. There are print-and-go versions included that do not need formatting.
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