his is a super fun (yet truly educational!) game where students race to the finish line by naming notes on the bass clef staff! Use in your daily lessons, as part of center activities, or as a great sub plan!
This is the Bass Clef version; you can customize it for your desired range!
Save when you pick and choose multiple game based centers.
What is the difference between this game and the Differentiated version found here?
The differentiated version also includes game boards which only test space notes and only test line notes. This is to help narrow the focus for kids who are struggling. This full game is also included in the differentiated version.
In the game, each student will draw a card and identify the pitch on the card. Then, they can move their game piece (provided by you – see here for examples or use pony beads!).
In this resource:
- Game board in Black and White.
- Game board in Color.
- Cards to print out (8 cards to one sheet of paper).
- Directions for Teacher.
- Directions for Students – print out and put in the packet for students!
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