Are you a new music teacher or a veteran music teacher looking for some fresh ideas? Want to have a fantastic first day in music? Look no further! This is a tried and true lesson for kindergarten to get your year started! Kids will leave that first day saying your class is SUPER FUN! If you can get that reputation, the kids will buy into all the amazing things you teach them in the future!
Note: This file is included in the following money saving Back to School Music Lesson Plan Bundle.
Included in this File
- Detailed (yet editable) lesson plans for Kindergarten. State (GA) GPS Standards, National Music Standards, and National Core Arts Standards are marked.
- PowerPoints to guide the lesson.
- Links to any resources needed to complete the lesson. (List below)
- Essential Questions for you to post in your room.
Description of Lesson
- Kindergarten – Students will go through normal first day procedures (rules, etc.) and then be introduced to a special puppet friend in the classroom that leads through how to Echo. Students will explore a variety of voices and movements and end the lesson with reading a couple of books set to music.
These lessons are meant to hook my students from the first day. One of the first things K students in our district learn is echoing and using our voice in different ways. I use this lesson as introduction to this series of lessons and to give my class a reputation of “fun” – then the students will buy into any lesson I give them in the future! These lessons are designed for my 45 minutes classes but you could modify them for 30 min or hour classes as needed.
This is meant to be a guide for your individual situation. Substitutions for any part of the lesson is acceptable. Additional items you need to teach the lesson directly as written that are NOT included.
- Cat Puppet (I use the orange puppet from the Making Music series, but really any stuffed cat will work).
- Book (optional): If You’re Happy and You Know It
- Book (optional): Down by the Bay
- “Copycat Song” from Making Music. Alternative song link provided in resource.
(Amazon links are affiliate links. See the full disclosure here).
Barbara –
great resource
Pitch Publications –
Thank you, Barbara!